目前主流的 ETH 測試網路為 Sepolia
v1.0 有 API更改,以下以 v1.0 為主
初始化 Web3.js
v4 版本需要用以下方式引入
Copy const { Web3 } = require ( "web3" );
const web3 = new Web3 ();
Copy if ( window .ethereum) {
window .web3 = new Web3 ( window .ethereum); // 參數內填入 provider
window . ethereum .enable ();
try {
var web3 = window .web3;
var web3 = new Web3 ( web3 .currentProvider);
} catch (err) {
alert ( "Please install Metamask first" );
// window.location =
// "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn";
const ContractERC721 = new web3 . eth .Contract ( ERC721 . ABI , ERC721 .address);
window .ContractERC721 = ContractERC721;
執行不需要交易的 function
Copy const totalSupply = await ContractERC721 . methods .totalSupply () .call ();
console .log ( totalSupply .toNumber ())
Big Number
建議改用 npm: bignumber.js,多了很多錯誤處理。
這邊使用 Alchemy API
新增 Alchemy APP: https://dashboard.alchemy.com/apps
Pending Transaction
Copy const { Network , Alchemy } = require ( "alchemy-sdk" );
// Optional Config object, but defaults to demo api-key and eth-mainnet.
const settings = {
apiKey : "" , // Replace with your Alchemy API Key.
network : Network . ETH_SEPOLIA , // Replace with your network.
const alchemy = new Alchemy (settings);
/// Subscription for Alchemy's pendingTransactions API
alchemy . ws .on (
method : "alchemy_pendingTransactions" ,
toAddress : "0x220356c76414A3a12843560352ADb69443956196" , // Replace with the address you're monitoring.
fromAddress : "sender_address" , // Optionally, replace with the sender's address.
} ,
(tx) => console .log (tx)
Mined Transaction (confirmed transaction)
Copy const { Network , Alchemy } = require ( "alchemy-sdk" );
// Optional Config object, but defaults to demo api-key and eth-mainnet.
const settings = {
apiKey : "" , // Replace with your Alchemy API Key.
network : Network . ETH_SEPOLIA , // Replace with your network.
const alchemy = new Alchemy (settings);
/// Subscription for Alchemy's minedTransactions API
alchemy . ws .on (
method : "alchemy_minedTransactions" ,
addresses : [{ to : "0x220356c76414A3a12843560352ADb69443956196" }] ,
} ,
(tx) => console .log (tx)
Alchemy SDK 的 rate limit 用 CUP 計算,免費帳戶的 CUP 為 330 / sec,而 getAssetTransfers 耗費 150 CUP,所以每秒只能發送兩個請求
Copy const fetchTx = async (toAddress) => {
//The response fetches the transactions the specified addresses.
try {
let response = await alchemy . core .getAssetTransfers ({
fromBlock : "0x47c66d" ,
toAddress ,
excludeZeroValue : true ,
category : [ "external" ] ,
return response;
} catch (error) {
console .log (error);
監聽合約 Event
記得 infura 的測試網路 url 要填對,例如 Rinkeby 不要寫成 ropsten
Copy const Web3 = require ( "web3" );
const provider = new Web3 . providers .WebsocketProvider (
"wss://rinkeby.infura.io/ws/v3/<API KEY>"
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0x00129c695b5c3d95b1e9511c4d454dc6ab276936" ;
const ABI = require ( "./abi/t.js" );
provider .on ( "connect" , () => {
console .log ( "Websocket connected." );
provider .on ( "close" , (event) => {
console .log (event);
console .log ( "Websocket closed." );
provider .on ( "error" , (error) => {
console .error (error);
const web3 = new Web3 (provider);
const testContract = new web3 . eth .Contract ( ABI , CONTRACT_ADDRESS );
testContract .events
.TDeposit ()
.on ( "connected" , (id) => {
console .log ( `TDeposit subscription connected ( ${ id } )` );
.on ( "data" , (event) => {
console .log ( 'ondata' , event);
.on ( "error" , (error) => {
console .log (error);
後端使用ECDSA 簽名與驗證
使用 createIdentity 產生私鑰與公鑰,並且公鑰產生地址,之後用私鑰簽名(sign)然後用 recovery 還原出簽名的地址。
Copy const EthCrypto = require ( "eth-crypto" );
const identity = EthCrypto .createIdentity ();
console .log (identity);
const message = "foobar" ;
const messageHash = EthCrypto . hash .keccak256 (message);
const signature = EthCrypto .sign (
identity .privateKey , // privateKey
messageHash // hash of message
const signer = EthCrypto .recover (
signature ,
EthCrypto . hash .keccak256 ( "foobar" ) // signed message hash
const address = EthCrypto . publicKey .toAddress ( identity .publicKey);
console .log ( "address" , address);
console .log ( "signer" , signer);
只有前端能用 eth.personal
Copy var signature = await web3 . eth . personal .sign ( "Hello" , accounts[ 0 ])
console .log (signature)
const signer = await web3 . eth . personal .ecRecover ( "Hello" , signature)
console .log (signer) // account[0]
使用後端驗證前端的簽名,使用 eth-sig-util 模組
Copy const ethSigUtil = require ( "eth-sig-util" );
function checkSignature (nonce , signature) {
const msgParams = {
data : nonce ,
sig : signature
return ethSigUtil .recoverPersonalSignature (msgParams);
console .log ( checkSignature (
"Hello" , //貼上 metamask 簽名的內容,不用 hash
< 貼上 metamask sign 出的簽名 > ,
或是使用 eth-crypto 模組
Copy const EthCrypto = require ( "eth-crypto" );
const Web3 = require ( "web3" );
const provider = new Web3 . providers .WebsocketProvider (
const web3 = new Web3 (provider);
const msg = "Hello" ;
const messageHash1 = web3 . utils .soliditySha3 (
{ type : "string" , value : `\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n ${ msg . length } ` } , // 記得 :\n 後面數字要改成你的訊息長度
{ type : "string" , value : msg }
const signer1 = EthCrypto .recover (
"<貼上 metamask sign 出的簽名>" ,
console .log ( 'signer1' , signer1)
重新整理與初始化頁面時的 web3 地址顯示與簽名
Copy useEffect (() => {
if ( localStorage .getItem (accountLocalStorageKey)) {
initWeb3 ();
} , []);
const initWeb3 = async () => {
if ( window .ethereum) {
window .web3 = new Web3 ( window .ethereum);
window . ethereum .enable ();
try {
var web3 = window .web3;
var web3 = new Web3 ( web3 .currentProvider);
} catch (err) {
alert ( "Please install Metamask first" );
const checkActive = async () => {
const accounts = await web3 . eth .getAccounts ();
if (accounts[ 0 ] && ! localStorage .getItem (accountLocalStorageKey)) {
// Init
localStorage .setItem (accountLocalStorageKey , accounts[ 0 ]);
setCurrentAccount (accounts[ 0 ]);
var signature = await web3 . eth . personal .sign (
signMsg ,
accounts[ 0 ]
localStorage .setItem (accountSigLocalStorageKey , signature);
console .log (signature);
setCurrentAccount (accounts[ 0 ]);
if ( ! accounts[ 0 ]) {
localStorage .removeItem (accountLocalStorageKey);
localStorage .removeItem (accountSigLocalStorageKey);
checkActive ();
setInterval (checkActive , 1500 );
建立 raw transaction
web3.js 版本
Copy myContract.methods.myMethod(123).encodeABI();
ether.js 版本
Copy myContract . populateTransaction .myMethod ( 123 );
Copy const EthereumTx = require ( "ethereumjs-tx" ).Transaction;
const Web3 = require ( "web3" );
const web3 = new Web3 (
new Web3 . providers .HttpProvider (
function signTx (tra) {
return new Promise ( async (resolve , reject) => {
const prvKey = Buffer .from ( process . env .prvkey , "hex" );
const accountNonce = await web3 . eth .getTransactionCount ( process . env .ethereumAccount)
var tx = new EthereumTx (
nonce : accountNonce ,
gasPrice : 100 ,
gasLimit : 100000 ,
value : 100000 ,
} ,
{ chain : "ropsten" }
tx .sign (prvKey);
var stx = tx .serialize ();
web3 . eth .sendSignedTransaction ( "0x" + stx .toString ( "hex" ) , (err , hash) => {
if (err) {
console .log (err);
reject (err);
return ;
resolve (hash);
console .log ( "tx creation: " + hash);
轉帳交易的話 tx 內容改如下即可
Copy {
gasPrice : 12 , // (gwei)
gasLimit : 21000 ,
to : "to address" ,
value : Number ( web3 . utils .toWei ( "0.0001" , "ether" )) ,
如果出現 Invalid sender 的話記得檢查下 web3 rpc url 跟 chainid 有沒有對應:
Copy const web3 = new Web3 (
new Web3 . providers .HttpProvider ( "https://bsc-dataseed1.binance.org/" )
const common = Common .custom ({ chainId : 56 });
建議可以用 bignumber.js
不同 ERC-20 合約 token 有不同的 decimals,例如 USDC 為 6,大部分為 18 等等。
今天讀取到合約的 balanceOf 後會需要除以 decimals,例如 balance / 1e18
如果今天合約是要 deposit ,並且用原本 token 的精度的話,已經除以 1e18 的數字可以如下返回原本的精度,然後寫回合約,記得要用 bigNumber,不然 js 會有問題。
Copy const toBN18 = (value) => {
const web3Utils = window . web3 .utils;
return new web3Utils .BN (
web3Utils .toWei ( String (value)) // toWei 剛好為 * 1e18
Approve max allowance
address spend other address's ERC20 token
Copy const ethers = require ( "ethers" );
const MAX = ethers . BigNumber .from ( '0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' )
const result = await tokenContract .methods
.approve (
VaultRelayerAddress ,
.send ({
from : accounts[ 0 ] ,
Copy const Web3 = require ( "web3" );
const BigNumber = require ( "bignumber.js" );
const { ABI } = require ( "../abi/megaswapper" );
const web3 = new Web3 (
new Web3 . providers .HttpProvider ( "https://bsc-dataseed1.binance.org/" )
const account = web3 . eth . accounts .privateKeyToAccount (
"0x" + process . env .prvkey
web3 . eth . accounts . wallet .add (account);
web3 . eth .defaultAccount = account .address;
const decimalStr = (value , decimal) => {
return new BigNumber (value)
.multipliedBy ( 10 ** decimal)
.toFixed ( 0 , BigNumber . ROUND_DOWN );
const megaSwapperAddress = "....." ;
function swap (tra) {
return new Promise ( async (resolve , reject) => {
try {
const tokenContract = new web3 . eth .Contract ( ABI , megaSwapperAddress);
const result = await tokenContract .methods
.swap (
tra .fromToken ,
tra .toToken ,
decimalStr ( String ( tra .amountIn) , tra .fromTokenDecimal) ,
tra .from ,
tra .to ,
tra .data
.send ({
gas : 500000 ,
from : web3 . eth .defaultAccount ,
console .log (result);
resolve (result);
} catch (err) {
console .log (err);
reject (err);
轉換 blockNumber 為 timestamp
轉為 UTC +8
Copy const blockInfo = await web3 . eth .getBlock (blockNumber);
const timestamp = ( blockInfo .timestamp) * 1000 + ( 60 * 60 * 8 * 1000 )
console .log (timestamp);
獲取合約 event 歷史
Copy const getUSDTTransfers = async () => {
const Web3 = require ( "web3" );
const erc20ABI = require ( "./abis/USDT" )
const provider = new Web3 . providers .HttpProvider (
"https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/<api key>"
const web3 = new Web3 (provider);
const currentBlock = await web3 . eth .getBlockNumber ();
const contract = new web3 . eth .Contract (erc20ABI , USDT_ADDRESS );
.getPastEvents ( "Transfer" , {
fromBlock : currentBlock - 1000 ,
toBlock : "latest" ,
filter : {to : "0x28C6c06298d514Db089934071355E5743bf21d60" } ,
.then ( async (events) => {
console .log (events)
1.使用 CRA 5 版本以上引入 web3 會出現 error
Copy npm uninstall react-scripts
npm i react-scripts@4.0.3
2.Metamask - "Params specify an EIP-1559 transaction but the current network does not support EIP-1559"
有些網路還沒升級到 EIP1559後版本,所以 metamask 有時呼叫 function 後會出現此錯誤。
add type: "0x1"
Copy const response = await contract . methods .stake () .send ({
from : userAddress ,
value : web3 . utils .toWei (stakeAmount , "ether" ) .toString () ,
type : "0x1" ,
Last updated 9 months ago