從 Mnemonic 轉為地址

從註記詞轉為地址可以參考 BIP44:


1.Mnemonic 為 12 個英文單字,會先按照 BIP39 轉為 Seed(使用 PBKDF2 function)

2.之後從 Seed derive 出地址的private key buffer(不同 path 可以產生不同地址)



3.之後在 private key buffer 前方加上在 version byte

4.將結果經過兩次 sha256,取前四個 byte 為 checksum

5.之後將原本的 private key buffer 最後串上第四部的 checksum

6.使用 base58 encode 後即為 WIF 的 private key。


以下產生 Doge chain 的地址

const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
const ecc = require('tiny-secp256k1')
const { BIP32Factory } = require('bip32')
const bip39 = require('bip39');
const bip32 = BIP32Factory(ecc)
const { Signer, SignerAsync, ECPairInterface, ECPairFactory, ECPairAPI, TinySecp256k1Interface } = require('ecpair');
const ECPair = ECPairFactory(ecc);
const bs58 = require('bs58')

const btcMnemonic = '...';
const dogeVersionByte = 0x9E;

const btcSeed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(btcMnemonic);
const btcRoot = bip32.fromSeed(btcSeed);
const btcPrivateKey = btcRoot.derivePath("m/44'/3'/0'/0/0").toWIF(); // Replace the path as needed

const btcPrivateKeyBuffer = ECPair.fromWIF(btcPrivateKey).privateKey;
const dogePrivateKeyBuffer = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([dogeVersionByte]), btcPrivateKeyBuffer]);

const firstSha256 = bitcoin.crypto.sha256(dogePrivateKeyBuffer);
const secondSha256 = bitcoin.crypto.sha256(firstSha256);
const checksum = secondSha256.slice(0, 4);

const dogePrivateKeyWithChecksum = Buffer.concat([dogePrivateKeyBuffer, checksum]);

const dogePrivateKeyWIF = bs58.encode(dogePrivateKeyWithChecksum);

console.log('DOGE Private Key:', dogePrivateKeyWIF);
  • m: This indicates that it's a BIP32 mnemonic code (i.e., a seed phrase).

  • 44': The first number (44) represents the BIP44 purpose. Purpose 44 is used for cryptocurrencies. The apostrophe ('), which is a hardened derivation, ensures that child keys are derived using hardened keys.

  • 3': The second number (3) represents the coin type for Dogecoin. Coin type 3 is commonly used for Dogecoin according to the BIP44 specification.

  • 0': The third number (0) is the account level. This is where you can specify different accounts within your wallet, but in this case, it's set to 0.

  • 0: The next two numbers (0/0) represent the index of the external (receiving) addresses. The first 0 indicates the account's external addresses, and the second 0 indicates the first receiving address.



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